Monday, December 20, 2021

Crazy Hiram's Used Computer Emporium

Would you buy an online education from this guy?

(This is a revision of a post published in 2010) 

I was wallowing in Unix and trapped in 1980's corporate computing. I knew it was time to bust the rut and do something different.  How to escape?

The idea for Hiram Access the computer guru as a printed calendar was born in a Carson City Nevada coffee shop talking with Wolf Kohtz.  I collaborated with a cartoonist to create a series of 12 cartoons. 

Let me note for the record, this is a project where the only person to get paid was the artist! 

The closest I got to a deal was standing in line to talk with the computer columnist John Dvorak.  I pitched him with the mock-up calendar. John gave me a one word review: 

"Cute." ~ John Dvorak   

That word killed the project for me. Somewhere in the files I still have a proof copy, but the calendar never went to press. In the world before the world wide web, you printed things! 

Today I resurrected Hiram Access and 'minted' him as an NFT.  

Update:  Now's your chance to own a very limited edition of the "Epiphany Image" of Hiram Access as a gas free NFT on OpenSea